Female deer on the snowy yard of a wooden home during winter. Does home insurance cover deer invasion and destruction in Illinois?

Spotting a deer in your yard can be a beautiful sight, but deer are often out for more than a stroll when they enter neighborhoods. A determined deer can work its way into detached structures, or even your Illinois home, in search of food. 

When a 300-pound animal forces its way into your home, there's likely to be some damage. If this happens to you, does your Illinois home insurance cover the invasion and destruction caused? Here's what you need to know about deer invasions in Illinois and how working with an independent insurance agent can help.

What Is the Deer Population In Illinois?

Illinois is home to white-tailed deer, which are the only native native to the state. It may come as a surprise that there are more than 645,000 deer in Illinois. In recent years this number has ranged as high as 670,000.

What Type of Damage Can a Deer Do to My Property?

In Illinois, deer are protected under the Wildlife Code as a game species. This means that they cannot legally be harmed or removed if they're on your property. While it's rare for a deer to cause actual property damage, it does occur. These are a few of the risks your Illinois home could face.

  • A broken screen door from a deer attempting to enter your home
  • Destruction of bird feeders or other animal feeders in your yard
  • Damage to a detached structure like a garage or shed while looking for food
  • Damage to your vehicle 
  • Destruction of trees and shrubs on your land
  • Broken glass if the animal is spooked near a window

If your Illinois home is experiencing property damage from deer invasion, it's best to contact the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

Does My Homeowners Insurance Cover Deer Invasion and Destruction in Illinois?

In short, your Illinois homeowners insurance would cover damage to structures like your fence, but not your personal property. Deer invasion coverage breaks down in the following ways in your homeowners policy.

  • Dwelling/structural coverage: If a deer runs into your garage door or a screen door, then the damage is typically covered under your dwelling or structural coverage. Under structural coverage, you receive protection for your walls, windows, flooring, and the like. The dwelling coverage is designed for detached structures like garages, shreds, and other on-site structures. 

The other portion of your homeowners insurance is the contents coverage, which is for your personal property. However, wild animal invasion is typically excluded from this coverage. Your furniture and personal possessions would not be covered in the event of an invasion.

Your Illinois independent insurance agent can help you understand the coverage you have in your homeowners insurance.

How Can I Keep Deer and Other Invasive Species Off My Illinois Property?

Since it's illegal to remove nuisance deer from your property, the best thing you can do is be proactive in helping keep deer and other invasive species off your property. 

One of the best ways to do this is by planting deer-resistant plants, shrubs, and trees in your yard.

Deer-Resistant Shrubs, Plants and Trees in Illinois




Butterfly Bush Ornamental alliums Birch
Boxwood Daffodils Beech
Smokebush Wild Ginger Ginkgo
Forsythia Dawn redwood
Japanese Peires

Some other ways to keep deer and other species off your property include

  • Creating levels using terraces and sunken beds
  • Having scare tactics like movable garden objects in your yard
  • Fencing in your yard
  • Installing motion-activated sprinklers

While there are ways to help manage deer invasion, not all strategies and tactics guarantee that this species won't enter your property. It's best to be prepared and educate yourself on safely living alongside wild animals.

How Can an Illinois Independent Insurance Agent Help?

You cannot control the number of deer that come in and out of your neighborhood or yard, but you can control how you prepare for a potential invasion. An Illinois independent insurance agent is an expert in homeowners insurance. 

Whether you're moving to a part of Illinois that is known for deer, or you're simply wanting to review your policy deductible and coverage, an agent will chat with you free of charge. They'll help you understand your risk of invasion and set you up with a homeowners policy that provides protection against any possible events.